Minggu, 24 Mei 2015

summary singkat


            Language curriculum development is an aspect of a broader field of education activity known as curriculum development or curriculum studies.curriculum development focuses on determining what knowledge, skills and values students learn in schools, what experiences should be provided to bring about intended learning outcomes,and how teaching and learning in schools or educational systems can be planne, measured, and evaluated.
Historical Backround
            The history of curriculum development in language teachingstarts with the notion of syllabus design. Syllabus design is one aspect of curriculum development but is not identical with it. A syllabus is a specification of the content of a course of instructionand lists what will be taught and tested. Curriculum development in language teaching as we know it today really began in the 1960s, though issues of syllabus design emerged as a major factor in language teaching much earlier.
            If we look back at the history of language teaching throughout the twentiet century, much of the impetus for changes approaches to language teaching came about from changes in teaching methods. The method concept in teaching- the notion of a systematic set of teaching practices based on a particular theory of language and language learning is a powerful one and the quest for better methods has been a preoccupatio of many teachers and applied linguistics since the beginning of the twentieth century. Many methods have come and gone in the last 100 years in pursuitof the “best method”. As the following chronology illustrates with dates suggesting periods of greatestdominance:
Grammar Translation Method (1800-1900)
Direct Method (1890-1930)
Structural Method (1930-1960)
Reading Method ( 1920-1950)
Audiolingual Method (1950-1970)
Situational Method (1950-1970)
Communicative Approach (1970-present)


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